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Bus Rules & Procedures

Putnam County Bus Rules

Be Safe

  • Change seats only with permission
  • Stay out of the back 4 rows (8 seats)
  • Keep all school supplies and personal items in a pocket or backpack while riding the bus
  • Only approved band equipment is permitted on the bus (See Allowable/Not Allowable list below)
  • Everyone is responsible for stopping bullying on the bus.
  • Report all problems to the driver immediately

Use Respect

  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • Use only respectful language
  • Keep noise to a minimum
  • All food and drinks must be discarded before loading the bus
  • Students may have a book out to read quietly on the bus


  • Face the front at all times
  • Stay seated while the bus is in motion
  • Keep aisles clear at all times
  • SILENCE ON THE BUS at railroad tracks
  • The following items are prohibited on the bus: glass items, skateboards, balloons, tobacco products, alcohol, and illegal drugs. (See full Allowable/Not Allowable list below)  


  1. Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on the bus, and all reasonable directions given shall be followed by showing consideration and respect for the bus driver and your fellow students. The school bus is an extension of school activity; therefore, students shall conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior.
  2. Arrive at the bus stop ten minutes before the scheduled pickup time. It is important that your student arrives at the bus stop on time. We cannot wait for your student to come out of the house, off of the porch, or get out of a vehicle once the bus has arrived. While waiting for the bus, students must stand away from the road. Younger students should be permitted to load first.
  3. Do not fight or engage in rough play. No profane language or obscenities while waiting for the school bus, on the bus or after leaving the bus.
  4. Students should not deface or cause damage to the bus in any way.
  5. Tobacco and vape products and paraphernalia are prohibited on the bus.
  6. The bus driver has the authority to seat any or all students for any reason.
  7. Emergency exits must be free from obstructions at all times. The bus driver may prohibit any equipment or object considered to be dangerous to the safety and welfare of those on board. Student possessions may not be placed in the aisle, in front of the bus, or on the floor. Band instruments, ball equipment, and class projects will be permitted only when they can be held on the student's lap, and not obstruct the students' view.
  8. No food or drink will be consumed on the bus during regularly scheduled routes. Every child should have a backpack for loose papers. Lunches may be carried in their backpack.
  9. Students are only permitted to get on or off the bus at their assigned stop. To get off the bus at any other location on the assigned route the student is required to have a Student Release Form signed by the principal. Guest riders with a Student Release Form are only permitted to ride on a space-available basis.
  10. Students must remain seated at all times. They are not permitted to use the emergency windows or emergency doors or touch the safety equipment without the driver's permission.
  11. Students must depart from the bus in an orderly manner. Students should move away from the bus promptly to a location at least 10 feet from the roadway. If crossing the roadway, the student should be at least 10 feet in front of the bus and be able to see the driver's face. They should not cross the road until the driver waves to them that it is safe.
  12. Students are not allowed to have in hand or mouth any objects, food or candy, etc ... while on the bus.
  13. No glass containers or objects, balloons, or animals are permitted on the bus.
  14. Students are not permitted to open or close windows without the permission of the driver. Keep your hands, arms, and heads inside the bus. Throwing objects in or out of the bus is prohibited.
  15. The principal of the student shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary. A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if the principal determines that the student's behavior is such as causing disruption on the bus, or if the student disobeys state or local rules and regulations pertaining to student transportation.

    Should you need a copy of this in PDF form, the link is below

    Also listed below are the Allowable/Not Allowable Items and the Electronic Device usage pages.

    School Bus stop sign law
    Bus Electronic Device rules
    Items Allowed/Not Allowed on the Bus
    Bus Rules and Procedures (PDF)