PCSS Student Named to Tennessee State Board of Education

PUTNAM COUNTY, TENN. – Cookeville High senior Bonza Auberson has the distinction of doing something no other Putnam County student has ever done — be a Tennessee State Board of Education member.
Bonza filled out an application and completed an online interview. She was then notified that she would be the next SBE student representative.
Bonza begins a one-year term today in Nashville, representing all Tennessee public school students.
“This is a great honor for one of our students, Cookeville High, and the Putnam County School System,” said PCSS Director Corby King. “She is the first PCSS student to receive this honor. We are very proud of her and excited about this opportunity. Being a member of the State
Board of Education is not only an honor but a huge responsibility.”
Bonza will join current board members Krissi McInturff, Jordan Mollenhour, chair Robert Eby, Warren Wells, Ryan Holt, Dr. Ina Maxwell, Marsha Johnson, Larry Jensen, vice chair Darrell Cobbins, and executive director Dr. Steven Gentile at today’s SBE Workshop. The official meeting is set for tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 17).
“I feel honored. I don’t think it has really set in,” said Bonza. “After this first workshop and meeting, it will feel more impactful. It’s a great honor, and I am so glad to be there and learn all about it.”
The State Board of Education establishes rules and policies governing all K-12 schools. Among many of their responsibilities, they create policies regarding curriculum and teacher licensure. As a student member of the State Board, Bonza has the authority to make decisions and vote the same as all members appointed to the board.
“It’s a little daunting,” said Bonza about being on the SBE. “At the end of the day, we are all there for the same purpose. We are all there to do good.”
The daughter of Jeff and Shannon Auberson, Bonza is an all-honors student at CHS and a member of the school newspaper and chorus. This past summer, she attended Volunteer Girls State, a program of the American Legion Auxiliary.
To learn more about Bonza, go to the SBE website.
To learn more about today’s SBE Workshop.
To learn more about Friday’s SBE Meeting.