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About Media & Communications

Telling Our Story.

The Putnam County School System Communications Department coordinates a number of internal and external communication efforts for the district, including news releases, publications, websites, social media and information requests. The department also acts as a resource for district staff, offering assistance with writing, publication design, photography and on any other projects as necessary.

Media Requests

For all media requests and inquiries, please contact Buddy Pearson, Communications Supervisor. All journalists and/or media representatives must contact the Communications Department prior to entering school campuses. 

Logo Request

If you would like to request a JPG, PNG, or EPS logo file for Putnam County School System, please email us at

Anyone using the PCSS logo, including PCSS faculty, staff, clubs, organizations, and PTO reviews the PCSS brand guidelines. 

Social Media

The district also utilizes FacebookInstagramTwitter, and YouTube to keep parents, students, and community members engaged and informed. 

Mass Communications

To keep our families notified, engaged and informed about district events, school closings or emergencies and district surveys, PCSS uses a mass notification system via SMS text, phone calls, and emails. School administrators and attendance secretaries use this system as well to notify parents about attendance and other outreach communications. To stay informed, make sure your email and cell phone number are up-to-date in your PowerSchool Parent Portal or by contacting your school's attendance secretary. If you are not receiving text or email communications, please contact your child's school or follow these steps to create a PowerSchool Parent Portal where you can access and change your information at any time.


PCSS district and school websites are the primary sources for district and school information and resources. Each school Digital Media Team webmaster is trained and supported by the PCSS district webmaster. 

Meet the Team