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LEAPS/21st CCLC Home

Making a Difference

Our goal is to provide academic enrichment activities designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program.

All activities are educationally based and must include services to students on an average of 15 hours per week.

Extended Learning Programs are funded by grants received from the U.S. Department of Education using federal funds under 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) and from the Tennessee Department of Education using state funds under the Lottery for Education Afterschool Programs (LEAPs).

Extended Learning Programs Provide ...

  • enrichment opportunities at no cost to parents
  • a safe place for your child before and after school
  • homework help
  • tutoring services to improve math, reading and other academic subjects
  • participation in fine arts activities including music, drama, or art
  • recreational and sports activities
  • Life-long learning
  • nutritious snacks


Brenda J. Hughett
Extended Learning Programs Coordinator
email: Brenda J. Hughett
931-528-1847 Ext. 1219

Rebecca Phillips
Extended Learning Programs Secretary
email: Rebecca Phillips
931-528-1847 Ext. 1220

Eligibility and How To Apply

2024-2025 Before and Afterschool Qualifications


To apply, contact your child's school or contact the Extended Learning Programs office at (931) 528-1847. 


Students aged 5-18 who are currently enrolled in the Putnam County School System may register for the program. First priority will be given to those students who are considered at-risk and in need of academic support. Classes will be filled on a first-come need basis; waiting lists will be created as classes are filled.

Students enrolled in the program are requested to attend a minimum of 3 days/week due to grant attendance requirements.



Emergency Procedures for Extended Learning Programs Closing

When a decision is made to close the morning and/or afternoon LEAPs/21st CCLC schools, an "all-call" or an email/SMS or post to PCSS social media pages will take place to inform the parents. If the decision is for specific schools, the message will come from those schools. If it is a county-wide closing, the message will come from the Director of Schools. If school is closed due to weather so are the Leaps/21st CCLC programs.


Algood Elementary School (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Jill Williams
Phone: 931-303-0362

Algood Middle School (5-8)*
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Amber Cambell
Phone 931-537-6141

Avery Trace Middle School (5-8)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Rachel Robinson
Phone: 931-520-2200

Baxter Primary (PK-1)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Brandy Malone
Phone: 931-858-3110

Burks Elementary School (4-8)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Diana Cook
Phone: 931-839-7641

Cane Creek Elementary (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Ms. Angela Storie
Phone: 931-520-1173

Capshaw Elementary (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Ashley Williams
Phone: 931-526-2414

Cornerstone Elementary (2-4)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Janie Norrod
Phone: 931-858-9190

Jere Whitson Elementary (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Mr. Craig Swineford
Phone: 931-526-6575

Northeast Elementary (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Ms. Lora Bennett
Phone: 931-526-2978

Park View School (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Ms. Angela Webb
Phone: 931-526-2516

Prescott South Elementary School (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Nichole Beaty
Phone: 931-526-2275

Prescott South Middle School (5-8)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Stefanie Thrasher
Phone: 931-528-3647

Sycamore Elementary School (K-4)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Judy Hadlock
Phone: 931-526-9322

Upperman Middle School (5-8)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Julie Sliger
Phone: 931-858-6601

Classes we offer

Classes are designed to meet the unique needs of students based on demographics, ages, test scores and special interests.

Sample Classes:

  • Tutorial & Academic Assistance - provides additional support to students in understanding math, reading/Language Arts, science, social studies, English, biology, chemistry and using technology
  • Extended library hours - provides access to library resources beyond the regular school program including literature, computers, and Accelerated Reader
  • Jump Rope, Walking, and Karate Clubs help students develop better health and fitness habits
  • Instrumental & Vocal music - Violin/Cello, guitar, piano, hand chimes, dulcimers, and choral classes allow students the opportunity to learn how to read music, play an instrument, sing in harmony, and present concerts to parents and peers
  • Multimedia Broadcasting provide students with a "new " platform for learning by writing scripts and producing school news videos weekly morning announcements
  • Computer technologies are available for students to access the Internet to conduct research, reinforce core academic skills, and explore scholarship options
  • Inspector Gadget encourages middle school students to explore the latest gadgets and software programs integrating STEM technologies with reading and language
  • Myth Busters challenges middle school students the opportunity to put the most famous myths on trial and checking out the scientific principles behind them
  • LEGO robots unleash students' imagination to construct and program robots to follow simple commands using math, science and problem-solving techniques
  • Shape Up challenges students to incorporate health and fitness into their daily lives
  • Art - allows students to explore untapped talents through classes in painting, pottery-making, drawing and design, weaving, knitting, jewelry-making, scrapbooking, and visual artistic design


Upcoming Intersession & Camps

Spring Break Camp

No LEAPs or 21st CCLC camp for Spring Break

Summer Camp

**June** Information will be updated when we know the dates.
*Must be CURRENTLY enrolled in LEAPs or 21st CCLC

A young girl practices archery with an instructor, aiming her arrow at a target.